Thursday, July 31, 2014

PHFR at my favorite blog today

Linking up with my favorite blog today over at Like Mother, Like Daughter!!
I just love these ladies and wish that I was friends with them in real life not just a blog stalker of theirs!  They are inspiring and wonderful and by far the website that I frequent the most.

This was a Pretty field we came across at the splash park the other day!  How beautiful!

We met up at the splash park with some friends and I snapped off a few quick photos before our friends arrived.  The kids loved it!

As for happy, several things make me very happy.
1.  Babies on the swings.  Babies that love to laugh and smile.  A baby that miraculously slept through the night last night!!!  WHAT?  8 hours = ALLELUIA!!!
2.  Nap time, which is currently taking place.
3.  Having my windows open for 5 days instead of AC because it has finally cooled off a bit here this week.
4. Wind socks we made at the library for story hour.

Funny, Real.
Seriously this is only funny for the veteran moms who don't have a feint heart.  Today my two year old went upstairs to get something in her room and was taking a while to come back down.  I sent my three year old up to check on her and he came back and said, "Mom, you better come quick.  Emma is all nakey."  Then as I went running up the stairs I heard slam, bang, WAAAAAAAA!  My daughter who had taken all of her clothes and diaper off, proceeded to pee on the floor then slipped in her own pee and slammed her head on the floor.  Now I am comforting my naked screaming child in a puddle of her own pee. Awesome!  Needless to say it is time for a shower!  I think mom deserves a nap and a tub of mint chocolate chip for that one!

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