Monday, November 17, 2014

First Snow Day Comes Early

Only November here in KY but we are having our first snow day today!  School was cancelled and today is a bonus day with Daddy!

Here is what we did after breakfast!

Snow Angels

Look Mom, I did it!

Emma wasn't sure she wanted to lie back all the way!

Here is her attempt at an Angel.

Running in the snowy front yard.

Emma said, Mom it's hard to run in the snow!

Eeeek. Not sure what I think about this cold Mom!

Fun with Snow Dog! 

Hey where did he go?

Oh here he comes.

I love snow days.

Crazy Dog!

Happy Monday Y'all!!  Hope it is as much fun as ours!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some chilly fun! You got more snow than we did here; just a dusting and it's mostly gone now. But brrrrrrr, super duper cold front now. Miss you all!
