Saturday, August 16, 2014

Kids Tool-Belt Tutorial

Another Tutorial today on how to make your own tool belt.

I used corduroy because it was a scrap piece that I had on hand but you could use any heavy duty material.

Dimensions for your belt are one piece approximately 6 in x 26 in.  My son's waist is only like 20 but you don't want it super tight, the first button I put at 21 in.  I put three buttons in at 21, 23 and 25 inches for some room to grow.

You need two pocket pieces at approximately 5 x 6 in. (as you can see in my picture mine are not quite 5 inches wide, again I was working with some scrap and used what I had but 5 would definitely allow enough room for a little hand.)

Two pieces which will be the hammer loops I made mine 2 x 5 in approximately.  The length was perfect but turning a piece of corduroy right side out was extremely difficult and time consuming.  I would suggest making your loop pieces 3 inches wide which would allow for easier turning.

 Step 1: Fold your loop pieces in half length wise and sew along open edge and one open side.
 Step 2: Fold down the top 1/4 in of your front and back pocket pieces and top stitch to hold it in place.
 Step 3: Fold your long belt piece in half length wise with right sides together.  Sew one open edge and along the long open top but do not sew other open end.  You will want to turn this right side out and need the edge open.
Belt piece with right edge and top of strap sewn

still inside out at this point.
 Step 4: Flip belt right side out through opening at one side and top stitch around entire edge 1/4 in.  I used a zigzag for some stability and looks. At the open end turn under 1/4 and top stitch that opening down.
belt piece top-stitched.

belt piece
 Step 5: On pocket with top sides matched up and right sides together sew around the two sides and bottom of pocket so you can turn it right side out.
This is the pocket with the opening to the left and the bottom on the right.
 Step 6: Turn your pocket right side out and pin the back of the top of the pocket to the tie where you want it.  I didn't put this pocket right in the center of the tie I put the left side of the pocket about 9 inches from the left side of the tie end.  Then top stitch the back only of the pocket to the tie piece.
Top stitch the top BACK ONLY of the pocket to the tie.
 Step 7: Once the back of the pocket is secured in place put front of the pocket back down and reinforce stitch the two sides through all layers of pocket and tie about an inch down.
I zigzaged my side reinforcements but that top stitching that you see is just on the top of the pocket it doesn't go all the way through.

After your back and sides are secure but your front is loose you should be able to put your hand in and it should be pretty sturdy.
 Step 8: Next put the loops on by securing them with zigzag stitches.  I secured mine from the inside of the loop so the stitching wasn't visible but it is tricky if using a machine.  You can always hand stitch these on.
pocket and loop secured

loop and pocket from the front

 Step 8: Add second loop in same fashion.
pocket and both loops from front

starting to look like a belt
 Step 9: Follow the instructions on your sewing machine to make a button hole.  Rip it open.
 Step 10: Sew on your buttons according to your machine's directions.  Or you can sew them by hand.  I chose to do three at 21", 23" and 25" for room to grow and if he wears it with bulkier clothes.
As you can see I needed to follow the directions in my manual as it has been awhile since I've sewn a button!

Starting to look like a belt and ready to be stuffed with tools!

Here it is the finished product with a classy picture in front of the door!

And a blurry one!

Just call me Matt the Builder, can we fix it, yes we can.

Checkin' out his cool belt

Classy wave!
If you use my tutorial and pattern to make a belt of your own please be sure to leave your link in the comments.  I'd love to see your tool belt creations!

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