Wednesday, February 18, 2015

snowpacalypse 2015

So we don't live in Boston and we aren't living with 100 inches of snow but when we have winter records all week it is pretty epic for Louisville.  We had the most snow in one storm in the last ten years here on Monday. 8 1/2 inches in one day!  It shut down the city for three days!  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there has been no school.  Last night we got two more inches and spent more of our morning shoveling.  The kids have loved it.  I am loving having my husband home for a few extra days.  I am not loving the mess that our house has accumulated with everybody cooped up in it.  Here are some pictures of our adventures over the last few days!  Looks like with the sub zero temps in store for Thursday and Friday we may be out of school all week.

Baby boy wishing he was out with the big ones and Daddy!

Half way into the snow. Got about 4-5 more inches after this in the last few days.

Helping Daddy shovel.


Emma trying to shovel with a snow scraper!

Not so sad that he is in the house anymore. Because he loves his mommy!

Day Two of snow.

After his 5th trip out in two days! Note the towels on the floor and the drying rack for winter clothes in the background!

The nice thing about snow days. Homemade bread!


1 comment:

  1. Your #1 fan just checking on your blog! Such cuties, and so much snow! Now it's all melted, I'm sure, and you're enjoying warmer temps. Us, too. I did 3+ hours of yard work today, in honor of Grampa's birthday and out of necessity. Pretty tired! Have a Happy Easter! Post some pics of the 3 little miracles in their Easter best. & give them hugs and kisses from me!
